Do You Have Money Blindspots?

Do You Have Money Blindspots?

Yesterday, I did a live training in my private Facebook Group, Manifesting For Women Entrepreneurs. (If you’d like to see the training, click here.)

In this training we talked about money blindspots.

These are the money blocks you have that you’re not aware of yet.

They are hidden in the background, playing behind the scenes in your subconscious mind and dictating every decision you make in your business.

And, they’re stopping you from the business growth you desire.

You may be thinking, I don’t have any negative beliefs about money, I’ve already done money mindset work, or I make good money already.

Even if you’ve done money mindset work or you already make good money, you can still have these blindspots.

If you're experiencing any of the following, chances are, you’ve got at least one money blindspot playing in the background.

💵 You’re business has stopped growing, not matter you do

💵 Believing you have to work harder to have more money

💵 Not charging enough or afraid to raise prices because on the conscious or subconscious level you’re afraid of what people will think about you. That you’re greedy, or that they won’t like you.

💵 Not feeling worthy. This shows up as overdelivering, and not realizing the value you’re offering, not only to your clients but the ripple effect of the benefits of your services, and not setting boundaries around your hours, pricing, or services

As soon as you discover and transform these blindspots you’ll discover how much easier it is to grow your business, without having to work harder.

You’ll begin to see opportunities in your business that you haven’t seen until now because your blindspots were blocking those ideas.

You’ll easily begin to see the right pricing structure for your clients and services that is perfect for attracting the clients you want to work with in a way that your business will grow and flourish without you needing to work harder.

You’ll feel empowered in your money conversations and know without a doubt you're offering significant value for your services and being able to easily charge what your services are really worth.

You’ll free up time in your life for some of the fun things you love doing and you’ll have the extra time to do them.

And, you’ll fall back in love with your business because you’ll be able to be present with your clients and services instead of having the constant worrying and stress of having to be reactive to hold it all together and make sure enough money and clients come into the business.

If you’d like to discover if you have any money blindspots, let’s chat. Click here to schedule a free conversation where you’ll discover if you have money blindspots getting in the way of you manifesting more money into your business, you’ll pinpoint one simple step to begin manifesting more money and after you have the session, you’ll have a clear plan to consistently reach your money goals each month.

I look forward to chatting with you soon!

P.S. If you want to heal your relationship with money at a deep level, apply here for your Free Manifest More Money Strategy Session where you’ll discover what’s getting in the way of you manifesting more money into your business, you’ll pinpoint one simple step to begin manifesting more money and after you have the session, you’ll have a clear plan to consistently reach your money goals each month. Don’t wait. I only have a few of these sessions available.

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