Who Are You Being When You Take Time Off?

Who Are You Being When You Take Time Off?

Many entrepreneurs say it’s difficult to detach from work when they’re supposed to be relaxing, but that’s definitely not the case for me.

Are you surprised?

When I’m in Vacation Mode, I have no trouble leaving work behind and enjoying my time off.

It’s true!

But, it wasn’t always true.

Back when I still was living with the belief that you had to work hard to make money and you always had to be available to take care of your clients (or you may lose them, disappoint them or not live up to their expectations), I couldn’t turn it off. Being on vacation meant not making money, not keeping your clients happy, and risking losing business.

Wow! What a lot of pressure that was.

Now I realize that I’m a much better coach, leader and business owner, when I relax and unwind during my vacation time.

Once I adopted the right mindset and beliefs around running my business and set boundaries around business hours, I realized I can take time off, have a successful business and serve my clients better than I ever did when I was constantly working.

I now help my clients, grow their business in a way that allows them to relax and take vacations, yet still serve their clients.

I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to share what I’ve learned with my clients so they can also experience this kind of balance and freedom in their lives.

Now I’m curious… when you take a vacation, are you constantly doing work or thinking about work?

Or, are you like me, easily separating business from your personal life and relaxing and enjoying your vacation?

P.S. If you want to heal your relationship with money at a deep level so you can have the balance and freedom you want in your life, apply here for your Free Manifest More Money Strategy Session where you’ll discover what’s getting in the way of you manifesting more money into your business, you’ll pinpoint one simple step to begin manifesting more money and after you have the session, you’ll have a clear plan to consistently reach your money goals each month. Don’t wait. I only have a few of these sessions available.

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