Are you giving as much as you want?

Are you giving as much as you want?

Many years ago when I was working in corporate, I found out a friend of mine had been killed. It was shocking news, especially the way she died. Unfortunately, she was a single mom raising a child and her family did not have the means to pay for a proper funeral for her.

I remember that day like it was yesterday (even though it was over 30 years ago) not only because receiving news of an unexpected death is shocking, but I also remember the strong desire to contribute enough for her to have the special memorial service she and her family deserved and the extreme regret I felt because I didn’t have the money to give very much.

I realized then, that there is so much more to having money than paying my bills and buying things.

I wanted to have enough to help the people I care about and the causes I care about. I wanted to have a lot so I could give a lot away.

It wasn’t until many years later that I became an entrepreneur.

When I learned about manifesting and mindset, I knew immediately that it was my purpose to share this information with women. I want every woman to be able to have as much money as she wants and to be able to give away as much money as she wants to any cause or person that her heart desires to help.

When you have more money, you can do more good in the world.

This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to have a healthy relationship with money.

A healthy relationship with money enables you to receive the money you desire with ease.

It enables you to feel comfortable charging the fees you’re worth and not letting your industry or others dictate your value.

It not only creates the income you desire, it enables you to keep your money. You experience less unexpected bills or unforeseen circumstances that keep you from having extra.

A healthy money mindset enables you to feel comfortable giving money away and spending money, because you know money is an infinite resource that is available to you on demand.

Becoming an entrepreneur was the first step you took to serving others, and I would love to know, are you serving and giving as much as you want? Or, would you like to discover how you can create more money so you can give and serve even more.

Comment below and let me know.


P.S. When you’re ready… here are 2 ways I can help you grow your business and manifest the life you truly desire.

  1. Join my exclusive Facebook Group - Manifesting For Women Entrepreneurs where you'll get to be in a community of other women entrepreneurs and receive weekly live trainings on how to manifest business growth, income growth and the life you truly desire.

  2. Work with me privately to grow your business and double your income without working harder. Apply here to schedule a “chat” so I can answer all your questions and we can determine together your next steps to grow your business.

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