Easy Steps To Create More Income And Free Up Time

Easy Steps To Create More Income And Free Up Time

A lot of my clients used to struggle with setting boundaries.  

They were taught to serve everyone else, please everyone else and put themselves last.  They do this in their personal life and their professional life.

Can you relate?

If this is you, don’t feel bad.  I totally get it.  When I first started my own business I found myself doing everything my clients were requesting and usually not charging enough for the services I was offering.  

I wanted so badly to keep those clients, get more clients and have rave reviews from my clients.

I found myself tired, stressed, overworked, burned out and not making the money I wanted or should have been making.

And I didn’t realize there was a better, easier way until I learned how to set boundaries.

When it comes to your business, setting boundaries is very important.

If you’re someone who doesn’t have clear boundaries in your business, you may have found yourself discounting your rates or over-giving and over-delivering in order to please a client. 

This results in attracting needy clients who expect more from you than you were originally offering, working way more hours, making less money and still not pleasing your clients.

The good thing is you can change this.

By setting boundaries around your services and pricing, you’ll begin to attract clients who appreciate your services and respect your boundaries.

They’ll happily pay what you’re charging and you’ll find yourself creating extra time in your life because you won’t be giving it up to clients who continue to want more and more from you.

Here’s a couple steps to help you start creating better boundaries in your business:

  • Establish your unique value.  What do you offer that is unique?  What is your superpower?

  • Believe in your value.  When you believe in the value of your service, it’s easier to create pricing that reflect this value and to charge what you’re worth

  • Charge according to the results your clients get using your services instead of charging by the hour.

  • Use “no” as a complete sentence.  You can say “no” without explanation.

  • Realize that you can’t control how people feel.  Some people are never satisfied and the harder you work or the more discounts you give isn’t going to make them satisfied with your service.

When my clients start stepping into their value and charging what they’re worth, they find themselves attracting clients who appreciate them, respect their boundaries and get better results from their services.

They also find themselves making more money and freeing up time.

What would you do with extra time?

What would you do with extra money?

You may be realizing that you’re not setting strong enough boundaries in your business.  

I can help you.

When we work together I’ll coach you on how to fully step into your value.  I’ll help you identify your unique gifts, brilliance and superpowers and create the pricing that reflects your value and attracts the clients you love working with the most.

The ones that appreciate you and get amazing results from your services. 

Are you ready to finally start stepping into your value, charging what you're worth and freeing up time while making more money?

Comment “yes” below 👇 and I’ll share with you the next step. 


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