Did you see this video?

Did you see this video?

"I loved your talk last night"

"I've done a ton of money mindset work, but obviously have much more to learn"

"You are amazing"

These are just a few of the comments I received from the training I gave Tuesday in the Manifesting For Women Entrepreneurs private group.

If you missed it, click here.

In this training we talked about 4 things that are causing you to unintentionally repel money.

These are:

💵Your subconscious identity around money

💵Generational identity (the beliefs from your parents, grandparents and beyond that you have unknowingly inherited)

💵Hidden money beliefs (money blindspots)

💵Thoughts focused on worry and fear

All of these create an energy frequency that repels money instead of attracting it.

If you are not reaching your money goals, or if money is going out as soon as it comes in or quicker, watch the replay and see what you can do to become a money magnet instead of repelling money.

P.S. If you want to heal your relationship with money at a deep level, apply here for your Free Manifest More Money Strategy Session where you’ll discover what’s getting in the way of you manifesting more money into your business, you’ll pinpoint one simple step to begin manifesting more money and after you have the session, you’ll have a clear plan to consistently reach your money goals each month. Don’t wait. I only have a few of these sessions available. 

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