Are You Doing So Much You're Ineffective?

Are You Doing So Much You're Ineffective?

As women, we learn to take care of everything and everyone.

Family comes first, friends, organizations and everyone and everything that is requesting our time gets the Yes.

This even transfers into your business.

Unfortunately, you may have realized this creates a situation where you’re doing so much you’re not as effective as you could be and the things that are most important to you are not getting done.

This could be one of the reasons you’re not experiencing the business growth you want.

So many of my clients complain that they don’t have enough time.

Time for business growth activities, time for family, friends, themselves. Forget vacations or traveling.

Can you relate?

So how do you get more time in your life for growing your business and doing the things you love?

It’s actually simple, but it may seem very uncomfortable.

Start being the CEO in your business and stop being an employee.

As the CEO you get to do 5% that generates the income and grows the business. What does that mean? Ask yourself, “what is the 5% that I need to do in my business to generate revenue and grow my business?”

Right down your answers and start delegating everything else. Now, before you say “Are you kidding me? There’s no way!” You don’t have to do all the delegating all at once, but start with something. Give just one thing to an employee, consultant or VA to start with and go from there.

Say NO! Say no to everything that does directly move you towards your goals. Obviously you still need to feed and care for your kids, but as they get older start delegating household tasks to them and hire help to maintain your household, buy groceries, prepare meals, etc.

Raise your prices or offer high end packages. This can maintain or raise your income without having to work harder. You receive more money per customer and offer them incredible value.

If any of these tips makes you uncomfortable or you immediately start having thoughts of why you can’t do them, this is resistance, or blindspots that are sabotaging you from having what you want. Let’s chat. I can help you, just like I’ve helped my clients break through these challenges and create the business and life they want.

You didn’t start your business to be tired, overwhelmed and not having the time you want to do the things you love.

With the right adjustments and mindset shifts you can easily create more time and space in your life for what you love.

P.S. If you want to heal your relationship with money at a deep level, apply here for your Free Manifest More Money Strategy Session where you’ll discover what’s getting in the way of you manifesting more money into your business, you’ll pinpoint one simple step to begin manifesting more money and after you have the session, you’ll have a clear plan to consistently reach your money goals each month. Don’t wait. I only have a few of these sessions available.

Why Aren't You Getting Everything You Want?

Why Aren't You Getting Everything You Want?

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